Starving, tortured artist slaving away in front of an easel in a freezing attic is a popular literary image but let's reverse it to happy artists sitting in the sun, sharing techniques and ideas with friends, knowing there is a table of delicious food and wine waiting for lunch. The Bodrum Collective artists do paint alone in studios and we probably agonise over our work as much as anyone else who puts their creations out for all to criticise, but we also get together a lot to eat, talk and occasionally even paint.

There is so much to be learnt from watching others work and if we can combine it with a dip in the pool and good food, all the better. The five artists will be meeting up in early December in Eski Golkoy to try out oil sticks and see how Johanna makes her mosaics and a couple of friends have asked to join in. We will be painting together again a week later in Annie's garden and there is space for others to come along and paint with us. We can be inspired by the forest like Johanna and Sue pictured above or if the winter weather sets in, the rain on the vines.